Job shadowing
Period: 12/05/2022- 21/05/2022
Destination: Dokuz Eylül Koleji, Izmir, Republic of Türkiye
Participant teachers:
Carmen Mesonero Bartolomé
Álvaro Mancebo Otero
Carmen; Having participated in this Erasmus Project has entailed both personal and professional growth. The meetings with the project coordinator and counselor, as well as the attendance to several classes have been very useful and have led me to learn new methods to improve the school learning environment through innovative strategies such as mindfulness and other mind focusing techniques.
Álvaro: This experience has shown me how, even if we belong to apparently so far apart cultures and socio-cultural environments, we actually face the same challenges and difficulties in our different schools. I have witnessed how everyday coexistance issues are tackled at the Turkish school and how the sense of belonging to a educational community is fostered.